QStudio Enterprise FAQ
QStudio is a free SQL client for data analysis as such it is often used within large firms. To ease onboarding QStudio we've outlined answers to common enterprise queries below:
How does licensing work?
QStudio is entirely free and can be used enterprise wide at no charge.
Our precise terms are given here and if you have any queries or need modified terms please contact us.
What are your terms and conditions?
See QStudio Terms.
Technical Onboarding
What type of software is QStudio?
- QStudio is a desktop application that runs using java.
- It can run on every OS platform including windows, mac, linux.
- 99% of the source code is available at QStudio github
- It operates totally within a users profile and has no administrative priveleges.
How is it easiest to deploy QStudio Firm wide?
QStudio runs on all operating systems and has separate packages for each. It really depends on your firm and what computing systems your target employees have.
Most firms have used the windows installer to deploy QStudio firm-wide.
What installer does it use?
QStudio packages an installer using Inno Setup, this allows for a number of options for automated setup including: /SILENT, /VERYSILENT /ALLUSERS . More information is available at: Inno Setup Command line
Are packages versioned
yes, all installer and jar packages contain version information and are digitally signed using SHA384RSA to prevent tampering. QStudio uses semantic versioning and all changes are listed in the release notes.

What Enterprise Roll-out policy would you recommend?
- All QStudio releases are thoroughly tested , this is balanced against the need to release new features quickly.
- For stability we do not recommend enterprise users to update all users to every release as soon as it occurs. You should instead wait for a period after release and use a longer-term supported release that has been time-proven.
- If possible we recommend allowing users to choose when to upgrade.
- Firm-wide compulsory updates should only be used for time-critical updates.
- QStudio release notes will provide guidance. Additionally QStudio itself can check for updates and provide notifications.
What issues have you seen affect Enterprise wide installs in the past?
One packaging department within a firm insisted on running the uninstaller of the older version before running the new installer, this caused all user settings to be removed resulting in 10-20 users contacting Timestored saying all their settings had been wiped. There was nothing we could do. The best practice of all installers is to remove everything if uninstall is requested. We would recommend backing up your server connections.
How can I share or backup my connection list
See the help section on server lists.

Are packages digitally signed?
yes, all installer and jar packages contain version information and are digitally signed to prevent tampering.
In windows these details can be viewed by right-clicking and looking at properties:

Where does QStudio store it's settings?
As per best practice in java, we use the Preferences API. On windows this means most configuration is stored in the windows registry. Note connection details are encrypted.
Log files and a scratch directory of open files are stored in the qstudio folder.
On windows this can be found at: C:\Users\{{username}}\qStudio\
Does QStudio support kerberos?
Yes. Details on kerberos support and a video demo are available here.
Does QStudio support OAuth?
Yes. Data Intellect have implemented OAuth integration with QStudio at a number of firms.
What if QStudio throws an error?
Despite our best efforts and testing, bugs can be introduced to QStudio. Please report them and they will be fixed.
- In most cases, QStudio should display an error reporter dialog that allows you to send details directly to Timestored. Please do.
- Restart QStudio.
- Search for an existing known issue, otherwewise open a new issue on github.
- Our Address: 74 Medland House, 11 Branch Road, London, UK
- Email: info@timestored.com
- Phone: +44 (0) 20 3397 7535
- Company Number: 8342890
- VAT Registration Number: 153 1258 34
- DUNS Number: 218757681
- Data Protection & Privacy Notice
- QStudio Terms and Conditions
- Enterprise Support SLA * QStudio is Free and by default no SLA is provided. This SLA is for Pulse but if required and for a fee TimeStored can provide QStudio SLA based support.
- Diversity and inclusion
- Supplier Diversity Statement
- TimeStored W-8BENE
Who uses QStudio?
QStudio is used by many top enterprise firms

Vendor Onboarding
Are you an official vendor to our company?
We may be, you would need to check your internal system, search for Timestored Ltd.
In the past we have onboarded via third-parties including SHI.
If onboarding is required, this is a process we have completed numerous times and can provide assistance to complete.
What are you company details for Vendor purposes?
Company policies for Vendor onboarding?
Some documents useful for onboarding include: