Online Kdb+ q Training Courses
This practical introduction to Kdb+ is for those that have no prior experience and want to become competent at selecting data, writing scripts and creating functions. From the philosophy behind kdb, through the core building-blocks and up to writing advanced analytics that use parallel processing we will help you master kdb.
For printing a PDF outline of the intro kdb+ course
is available
The Online Course
For £499 / $499 you get 8 weeks access to:
- A comprehensive set of video tutorials
- Each topic has an associated set of exercises and example answers to reinforce learning
- Email query support from kdb+ experts
- Up to two phone call catch-ups / help sessions
- Delivered hard copies of our training manual and exercise book
By the end of the course you will have a broad understanding of most areas giving you the ability to confidently use kdb+ to solve most problems.
Alternatively contact us with any questions you may have
Course Content
For each topic shown below a number of video tutorials and exercises are provided.
- Origins of kdb
- Installation, configuring a development environment
- Running q scripts/commands.
- Data Types
- Dictionaries / Lists
- Primitive Operations
- Enumeration
- Functions
- Protected evaluation and catching exceptions
- Tables
- Creating relationships between tables using enumeration and Foreign Keys
- Importing Data
- Inter-Process Communication
- Adverbs
- Attributes
- qSQL
- Joins
- Specialized kdb joins: plus-join, equi-join, asof-join
- Optimizing joins and queries using attributes
- Multithreading
- Disk Storage
- ......We are regularly expanding our material based on user requests and feedback.
Further Information
q> Do I need to know SQL/Java/C/Python or any other programming language?
a> No. No previous knowledge is assumed. All concepts are explained from the fundamentals.
q> How long will the course take?
a> The course is based on our 3-day public course,
as such it will require at least 3 full days. Most people prefer to study part time over a number of weeks.
q> What are the terms and conditions?
a> The terms and conditions can be found here.
q> I have started the course and not yet received my hard copies.
a> Please email us. Typically we delay sending them out until students have completed the first section.
This was due to finding that submitted answers were often 100% correct once the booklet arrived.
Benefits of Online kdb+ training:
We have found that larger clients in particular have enjoyed the flexibility and reduced costs that our online course provides. Here's what one customer said after the first week:
Normally when someone new joins the team they spend a lot of time sitting round waiting.
With the online course our latest recruit was able to straight away make real progress by himself.
It was very useful to be able to rewind and replay as many times as I wanted
on topics that I found more difficult.