Pulse 0.13.5 Adds Sparklines and Dynamic HTML

Pulse – Real-time interactive Dashboards 0.13.5 adds Sparkline and Dynamic HTML support

  • Dynamic HTML – Full user control to generate HTML using template languages
  • Sparklines – Embed small charts within a table by specifying nested arrays.


Pulse is designed to provide real-time interactive dashboards so the underlying database has to be really fast. Pulse can support almost any data source, the question is which databases are worth supporting.

Time-series databases are the fastest growing database sector (image below).
The great news is that in the last few years there has been a a lot of interesting new entrants. So we’ve updated our past articles:

  1. Top Column-Oriented DatabasesDuckDB, Clickhouse and Doris are the new exciting entrants. Benchmark results in article.
  2. Top Time-Series Databases – Have exploded in popularity. QuestDB and TimeScale are the new entrants there.  Benchmark results in article.

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