.z.ts \t multiple timer calls - Kdb+ / qStudio

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    Oskar Morgenstern

    We have a process on a timer that checks another database for new data every 10 minutes.
    We use
    \t 600000
    .z.ts:{ if[newData[]; log “fetching new data”; performSync[.z.t]];};

    We now want to add another timed process that will run once an hour to store data to disk.
    Is there a way to set multiple timers in kdb?

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 10 months ago by Ryan Hamilton.

    Ryan Hamilton

    You could override .z.ts, increment a counter and check for certain multiples to perform given actions. e.g.

    q).z.ts:{ if[0=i mod 10; show `performSync]; if[0=i mod 60; show `storeDataToDisk]; i+:1; }
    q)\t 100

    Obviously this solution won’t scale. The next step could be to have a jobsTable that you add jobs to on certain recurring periods and set the next run time after execution. though again that will start to get messy. At which point fall back to crontab, autosys or something specifically designed for scheduling jobs.

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