Joe LGuest
What functionality does kdb provide out of the box for handling timezones? dates?
We have teams recording data using different timezones and would like to import this data in the most sensible way possible.
That and we got hit with some incorrect data when the clocks changed lately.
Kdb outline how to import time zone data from java here:
Almost all math operators work on the underlying time data formats. For example if you use xbar on time, you casn easily round time to the nearest 5 minutes.
Functions for handling time include:
Time Handling Settings
\z changes US/UK date format
Variables for returning time in various formats:
.z.n gmt (timespan)
.z.N local (timespan)
.z.p gmt (timestamp)
.z.P local (timestamp)
.z.z gmt time (datetime)
.z.Z local time (datetime)
.z.D .z.d .z.T .z.T