nanosecond charting? - Pulse

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    M S

    The timestring formats to millisecond precision even if the source data has more resolution (I use nanosecond resolution). This causes some events to be out of order and the exact timing is unclear. Is there a way to get this to have microsecond or nanosecond resolution?


    John Dempster

    Unfortunately we can only currently offer workarounds and compromises:

    a) Convert the column to a string, sorting should then work alphabetically. This does mean any chart will show the time taegorically rather than proportional distance, generating the other missing bars would correct this a little.

    b) Aggregate the data yourself (though this will squash events together.

    Javascript and most charting libraries do not support nanoseconds out of the box. We would need to write a full end-to-end data format -> data type -> charting system to show nanoseconds. It is something some of the team have done before elsewhere but it’s a very large effort which we are not currently considering.

    May I ask your exact use-case? Were you wanting to see the data in a table or a particular chart?
    Does aggregation to e.g. minute bars solve the problem?

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