April 30th, 2024 by admin

qStudio now allow you to export to XLS.
This should solve most the text escape problems we have seen before. e.g. Double quotes, single quotes, scientific notation.
XLS Email will open outlook with the text location of the file as the first line in the message.
You should cut that line, click “Add Attachment”, then paste the line to quickly form an email.
It wasn’t possible to easily attach a file across windows, linux and mac.
April 10th, 2024 by John Dempster
Occasionally you want to edit one other file quickly.
To allow that we’ve added highlighting for:
c, cpp, java, bat, sh, html, js, json, xml and properties files.

April 9th, 2024 by John Dempster

It’s approaching 2 years since we launched Pulse and it’s a privilege to continue to listen to users and improve the tool to deliver more for them. A massive thanks to everyone that has joined us on the journey. This includes our free users, who have provided a huge amount of feedback. We are commited to maintaining a free version forever.
We want to keep moving at speed to enable you to build the best data applications.
Below are some features we have added recently.

Pulse enables authors to simply write a select query, then choose columns for group-by, pivot and aggregation. Users can then change the pivoted columns to get different views of the data. The really technical cool part is:
- Unlike other platforms, Pulse does not attempt to pull back all data.
- All aggregation of data is performed on the SQL server, making it really fast.
- For kdb+, aggregation and pivoting occur on the kdb+ end using the common piv function.

- As we have deployed Pulse at larger firms with more users, the backend databases began to become a bottleneck.
- Polling queries to data sources can now be cached and results reused within the time intervals selected.
- This means whether there are 1, 10 or 100 users looking at the same dashboard with the same variables, it will only query once, not separately for every user.

- Pulse has allowed users to open or restore previous versions since version 1.
- Now you can view a diff to see which code or query changed.
- Next we want to add support for file/git based deployment.
- If this is something that interests you, add a note to the issue.

Tabs and Sheets
Pulse now supports both a tabbed interface and top level sheets.