April 23rd, 2015 by admin
Since our last qStudio kdb+ IDE announcment we have added a lot of new features:

Bulk importing kdb server lists
There’s a lot of new features to allow supporting a huge number of servers efficiently:
- Support importing HUGE number of servers:
- 5000+ server connections are now supported
- To prevent massive memory use, the object tree for a server is no longer refreshed at startup only on connection.
- Allow specifying default username/password once for all servers
- Allow nested connection folders
- Add critical color option – servers with prod in name get highlighted in red
- Sort File Tree Alphabetically
- Numerous bugfixes including:
- Fix critical Mac bug that prevented launching in some instances
- Fix query cancelling
April 20th, 2015 by Ryan Hamilton
Benchmarking Smart Meter Data Analytics – I got forwarded this interesting paper that compares how quickly smart meter data can be analysed using
- a Relational Database
- Matlab
- An in-memory Column-Oriented database
- Two new NoSQL alternatives
Smart electricity grids, which incorporate renewable energysources such as solar and wind, and allow information sharingamong producers and consumers, are beginning to replace conventional power grids worldwide. Smart electricity meters are afundamental component of the smart grid, enabling automated collection of fine-grained (usually every 15 minutes or hourly) consumption data. This enables dynamic electricity pricing strategies,in which consumers are charged higher prices during peak timesto help reduce peak demand. Additionally, smart meter data analytics, which aims to help utilities and consumers understand electricity consumption patterns, has become an active area in researchand industry. According to a recent report, utility data analytics isalready a billion dollar market and is expected to grow to nearly 4billion dollars by year 2020